
Here you can find the default Bukkit message for the latest plugin version.

# Messages for Logger Plugin [ Bukkit Version ]
# Need Support? Join the Discord Server: https://discord.gg/MfR5mcpVfX
# Config 1.8
# Plugin Messages
  No-Permission: "&cYou do not have permission to run this command."
  Reload: "&aConfigs Reloaded."
  Invalid-Syntax: "&cInvalid Syntax."
# Files Instance
  Player-Chat-Staff: "[%time%] [%world%] The Staff <%player%> has said => %message%"
  Player-Chat: "[%time%] [%world%] The Player <%player%> has said => %message%"
  Player-Commands-Staff: "[%time%] [%world%] The Staff <%player%> has executed => %command%"
  Player-Commands: "[%time%] [%world%] The Player <%player%> has executed => %command%"
  Player-Commands-Whitelisted-Staff: "[%time%] [%world%] The Staff <%player%> has executed a whitelisted command => %command%"
  Player-Commands-Whitelisted: "[%time%] [%world%] The Player <%player%> has executed a whitelisted command => %command%"
  Player-Sign-Text-Staff: "[%time%] [%world%] The Staff <%player%> has placed a sign at X= %x%, Y= %y%, Z= %z% with %line1%, %line2%, %line3%, %line4%"
  Player-Sign-Text: "[%time%] [%world%] The Player <%player%> has placed a sign at X= %x%, Y= %y%, Z= %z% with %line1%, %line2%, %line3%, %line4%"
  Player-Join-Staff: "[%time%] [%world%] The Staff <%player%> has joined at %x%, %y%, %z% and their IP is %IP%"
  Player-Join: "[%time%] [%world%] The Player <%player%> has joined at %x%, %y%, %z% and their IP is %IP%"
  Player-Leave-Staff: "[%time%] [%world%] The Staff <%player%> has left at %x%, %y%, %z%"
  Player-Leave: "[%time%] [%world%] The Player <%player%> has left at %x%, %y%, %z%"
  Player-Kick-Staff: "[%time%] [%world%] The Staff <%player%> got kicked at X= %x%, Y= %y%, Z= %z% with the reason %reason%"
  Player-Kick: "[%time%] [%world%] The Player <%player%> got kicked at X= %x%, Y= %y%, Z= %z% with the reason %reason%"
  Player-Death-Staff: "[%time%] [%world%] The Staff <%player%> has died with %level% level(s) at X= %x%, Y= %y%, Z= %z% | caused by %cause% | %killer%"
  Player-Death: "[%time%] [%world%] The Player <%player%> has died with %level% level(s) at X= %x%, Y= %y%, Z= %z% | caused by %cause% | %killer%"
  Player-Teleport-Staff: "[%time%] [%world%] The Staff <%player%> has teleported from %oldX%, %oldY%, %oldZ% to %newX%, %newY%, %newZ%"
  Player-Teleport: "[%time%] [%world%] The Player <%player%> has teleported from %oldX%, %oldY%, %oldZ% to %newX%, %newY%, %newZ%"
  Player-Level-Staff: "[%time%] The Staff <%player%> has arrived at the set amount of Level which is %level%"
  Player-Level: "[%time%] The Player <%player%> has arrived at the set amount of Level which is %level%"
  Block-Place-Staff: "[%time%] [%world%] The Staff <%player%> has placed %block% at X= %x%, Y= %y%, Z= %z%"
  Block-Place: "[%time%] [%world%] The Player <%player%> has placed %block% at X= %x%, Y= %y%, Z= %z%"
  Block-Break-Staff: "[%time%] [%world%] The Staff <%player%> has broke %block% at X= %x%, Y= %y%, Z= %z%"
  Block-Break: "[%time%] [%world%] The Player <%player%> has broke %block% at X= %x%, Y= %y%, Z= %z%"
  Bucket-Fill-Staff: "[%time%] [%world%] The Staff <%player%> has collected %bucket% at X= %x%, Y= %y%, Z= %z%"
  Bucket-Fill: "[%time%] [%world%] The Player <%player%> has collected %bucket% at X= %x%, Y= %y%, Z= %z%"
  Bucket-Empty-Staff: "[%time%] [%world%] The Staff <%player%> has emptied %bucket% at X= %x%, Y= %y%, Z= %z%"
  Bucket-Empty: "[%time%] [%world%] The Player <%player%> has emptied %bucket% at X= %x%, Y= %y%, Z= %z%"
  Anvil-Staff: "[%time%] [%world%] The Staff <%player%> has renamed an item to %renamed%"
  Anvil: "[%time%] [%world%] The Player <%player%> has renamed an item to %renamed%"
  Item-Pickup-Staff: "[%time%] [%world%] The Staff <%player%> has picked %amount% of %item% at X= %x%, Y= %y%, Z= %z% | %renamed%"
  Item-Pickup: "[%time%] [%world%] The Player <%player%> has picked %amount% of %item% at X= %x%, Y= %y%, Z= %z% | %renamed%"
  Item-Drop-Staff: "[%time%] [%world%] The Staff <%player%> has dropped %amount% of %item% at X= %x%, Y= %y%, Z= %z% that had %enchantment% enchantment(s) | %renamed%"
  Item-Drop: "[%time%] [%world%] The Player <%player%> has dropped %amount% of %item% at X= %x%, Y= %y%, Z= %z% that had %enchantment% enchantment(s) | %renamed%"
  Enchanting-Staff: "[%time%] [%world%] The Staff <%player%> has used an enchantment table that's located at X= %x%, Y= %y%, Z= %z% to enchant %item% with %enchantment% enchantment(s) that had %enchlevel% level(s) which cost %level% xp level"
  Enchanting: "[%time%] [%world%] The Player <%player%> has used an enchantment table that's located at X= %x%, Y= %y%, Z= %z% to enchant %item% with %enchantment% enchantment(s) that had %enchlevel% level(s) which cost %level% xp level"
  Book-Editing-Staff: "[%time%] [%world%] The Staff <%player%> has edited a book that consists of %page% page(s), with %content%. The book is signed by %sign%"
  Book-Editing: "[%time%] [%world%] The Player <%player%> has edited a book that consists of %page% page(s), with %content%. The book is signed by %sign%"
  Furnace-Staff: "[%time%] [%world%] The Staff <%player%> has extracted %amount% of %item% from a Furnace that's located at X= %x%, Y= %y%, Z= %z%"
  Furnace: "[%time%] [%world%] The Player <%player%> has extracted %amount% of %item% from a Furnace that's located at X= %x%, Y= %y%, Z= %z%"
  Game-Mode-Staff: "[%time%] [%world%] The Staff <%player%> has changed their game-mode to %game-mode%"
  Game-Mode: "[%time%] [%world%] The Player <%player%> has changed their game-mode to %game-mode%"
  Player-Craft-Staff: "[%time%] [%world%] The Staff <%player%> has crafted %amount% of %item% at X= %x%, Y= %y%, Z= %z%"
  Player-Craft: "[%time%] [%world%] The Player <%player%> has crafted %amount% of %item% at X= %x%, Y= %y%, Z= %z%"
  Player-Registration: "[%time%] The Player <%player%> has joined on %date%"
  Primed-TNT-Staff: "[%time%] [%world%] [%uuid%] The Staff <%player%> has primed a TNT at X= %x%, Y= %y%, Z= %z%"
  Primed-TNT: "[%time%] [%world%] [%uuid%] The Player <%player%> has primed a TNT at X= %x%, Y= %y%, Z= %z%"
  Chest-Interaction-Staff: "[%time%] [%world%] [%uuid%] The Staff <%player%> has opened %chest% at X= %x%, Y= %y%, Z= %z% that contained %items%"
  Chest-Interaction: "[%time%] [%world%] [%uuid%] The Player <%player%> has opened %chest% at X= %x%, Y= %y%, Z= %z% that contained %items%"
  Entity-Death-Staff: "[%time%] [%world%] [%uuid%] The Staff <%player%> has slain %mob% at X= %x%, Y= %y%, Z= %z%"
  Entity-Death: "[%time%] [%world%] [%uuid%] The Player <%player%> has slain %mob% at X= %x%, Y= %y%, Z= %z%"
    Start: "[%time%]"
    Stop: "[%time%]"
    Console-Commands: "[%time%] %command%"
    RAM: "[%time%] The Server has exceeded the set amount of percentage of RAM Usage! Total Memory: %max% | Used Memory: %used% | Free Memory: %free%"
    TPS-Medium: "[%time%] The TPS has dropped to %TPS%"
    TPS-Critical: "[%time%] WARNING! The TPS has dropped to %TPS%"
    Portal-Creation: "[%time%] A portal has been created in [%world%] using %material%"
    RCON: "[%time%] RCON Command %command% has been sent via this IP %IP%"
    Command-Block: "[%time%] %command%"
    AFK-Staff: "[%time%] [%world%] The Staff <%player%> has went AFK at X= %x%, Y= %y%, Z= %z%"
    AFK: "[%time%] [%world%] The Player <%player%> has went AFK at X= %x%, Y= %y%, Z= %z%"
    Wrong-Password-Staff: "[%time%] [%world%] The Staff <%player%> has entered a Wrong Password"
    Wrong-Password: "[%time%] [%world%] The Player <%player%> has entered a Wrong Password"
    Vault-Staff: "[%time%] The balance of the Player <%player%> has changed from %oldbal% to %newbal%"
    Vault: "[%time%] The balance of the Staff <%player%> has changed from %oldbal% to %newbal%"
    LiteBans: "[%time%] A %type% has been occurred on %executed_on% by %executor% reason of '%reason%' that will expire on %expiration%, %silent%"
    AdvancedBan: "[%time%] The Player %executed_on% has been punished by %executor% with a %type% by %executor% with a reason of '%reason%' that will expire on %expiration%"
    Wood-Stripping-Staff: "[%time%] [%world%] [%uuid%] The Staff <%player%> has stripped %logname% at X= %x%, Y= %y%, Z= %z%"
    Wood-Stripping: "[%time%] [%world%] [%uuid%] The Player <%player%> has stripped %logname% at X= %x%, Y= %y%, Z= %z%"
# Discord Instance
# Emojis can be found here https://emojipedia.org/ or elsewhere. Emojis may not work on > 1.12 Servers.
  Player-Chat-Staff: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** **%message%**"
  Player-Chat: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** **%message%**"
  Player-Commands-Staff: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** **%command%**"
  Player-Commands: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** **%command%**"
  Player-Commands-Whitelisted-Staff: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** **%command%**"
  Player-Commands-Whitelisted: " **[%time%]** **[%world%]** **%command%**"
  Player-Sign-Text-Staff: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** X= **%x%** `|` Y= **%y%** `|` Z= **%z%** `|` **%line1%** `,` **%line2%**  `,` **%line3%** `,` **%line4%**"
  Player-Sign-Text: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]**  X= **%x%** `|` Y= **%y%** `|` Z= **%z%** `|` **%line1%** `,` **%line2%**  `,` **%line3%** `,` **%line4%**"
  Player-Join-Staff: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** X= **%x%** `|` Y= **%y%** `|` Z= **%z%** ||**%IP%**||"
  Player-Join: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** X= **%x%** `|` Y= **%y%** `|` Z= **%z%** ||**%IP%**||"
  Player-Leave-Staff: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** X= **%x%** `|` Y= **%y%** `|` Z= **%z%**"
  Player-Leave: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** X= **%x%** `|` Y= **%y%** `|` Z= **%z%**"
  Player-Kick-Staff: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** X= **%x%** `|` Y= **%y%** `|` Z= **%z%** reason **%reason%**"
  Player-Kick: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** **%x%** `|` **%y%** `|` **%z%** reason **%reason%**"
  Player-Death-Staff: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** has died with %level% level(s) at X= **%x%** `|` Y= **%y%** `|` Z= **%z%** `|` caused by **%cause%** `|` **%killer%**"
  Player-Death: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** has died with %level% level(s) at *X= **%x%** `|` Y= **%y%** `|` Z= **%z%** `|` caused by **%cause%** `|` **%killer%**"
  Player-Teleport-Staff: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** Old X= **%oldX%**, Old Y= **%oldY%**, Old Z= **%oldZ%** `to` New X= **%newX%**, New Y= **%newY%**, New Z= **%newZ%**"
  Player-Teleport: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** Old X= **%oldX%**, Old Y= **%oldY%**, Old Z= **%oldZ%** `to` New X= **%newX%**, New Y= **%newY%**, New Z= **%newZ%**"
  Player-Level-Staff: "**[%time%]** has arrived at the set amount of Level which is **%level%**"
  Player-Level: "**[%time%]** has arrived at the set amount of Level which is **%level%**"
  Block-Place-Staff: "**[%time%]** **%block%** at X= **%x%** `|` Y= **%y%** `|` Z= **%z%**"
  Block-Place: "**[%time%]** **%block%** at X= **%x%** `|` Y= **%y%** `|` Z= **%z%**"
  Block-Break-Staff: "**[%time%]** **%block%** at X= **%x%** `|` Y= **%y%** `|` Z= **%z%**"
  Block-Break: "**[%time%]** **%block%** at X= **%x%** `|` Y= **%y%** `|` Z= **%z%**"
  Bucket-Fill-Staff: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** **%bucket%** X= **%x%** `|` Y= **%y%** `|` Z= **%z%**"
  Bucket-Fill: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** **%bucket%** X= **%x%** `|` Y= **%y%** `|` Z= **%z%**"
  Bucket-Empty-Staff: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** **%bucket%** X= **%x%** `|` Y= **%y%** `|` Z= **%z%**"
  Bucket-Empty: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** **%bucket%** X= **%x%** `|` Y= **%y%** `|` Z= **%z%**"
  Anvil-Staff: "**[%time%]** has renamed an item to **%renamed%**"
  Anvil: "**[%time%]** has renamed an item to **%renamed%**"
  Item-Pickup-Staff: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** has picked up **%amount%** of **%item%** at X= **%x%**, Y= **%y%**, Z= **%z%** `|` **%renamed%**"
  Item-Pickup: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** has picked up **%amount%** of **%item%** at X= **%x%**, Y= **%y%**, Z= **%z%** `|` **%renamed%**"
  Item-Drop-Staff: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** has dropped **%amount%** of **%item%** at X= **%x%**, Y= **%y%**, Z= **%z%** that had **%enchantment%** enchantment(s) `|` **%renamed%**"
  Item-Drop: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** has dropped **%amount%** of **%item%** at X= **%x%**, Y= **%y%**, Z= **%z%** that had **%enchantment%** enchantment(s) `|` **%renamed%**"
  Enchanting-Staff: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** Has used an Enchantment table that's located at X= **%x%**, Y= **%y%**, Z= **%z%** to Apply **%enchantment%** enchantment(s) that had %enchlevel% level(s) on the item **%item%** which cost **%level%** xp Level"
  Enchanting: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** Has used an Enchantment table that's located at X= **%x%**, Y= **%y%**, Z= **%z%** to Apply **%enchantment%** enchantment(s) that had %enchlevel% level(s) which on the item **%item%** which cost **%level%** xp Level"
  Book-Editing-Staff: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** has edited a book that consists of **%page%** page(s), with **%content%**. The book is signed by **%sign%**"
  Book-Editing: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** has edited a book that consists of **%page%** page(s), with **%content%**. The book is signed by **%sign%**"
  AFK-Staff: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]*X= **%x%** `|` Y= **%y%** `|` Z= **%z%**"
  AFK: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** X= **%x%** `|` Y= **%y%** `|` Z= **%z%**"
  Furnace-Staff: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** has extracted **%amount%** of **%item%** from a Furnace that's located at X= **%x%**, Y= **%y%**, Z= **%z%**"
  Furnace: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** has extracted **%amount%** of **%item%** from a Furnace that's located at X= **%x%**, Y= **%y%**, Z= **%z%**"
  Game-Mode-Staff: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** has changed their game-mode to **%game-mode%**"
  Game-Mode: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** has changed their game-mode to **%game-mode%**"
  Player-Craft-Staff: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** has crafted **%amount%** of **%item%** at X= **%x%**, Y= **%y%**, Z= **%z%**"
  Player-Craft: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** has crafted **%amount%** of **%item%** at X= **%x%**, Y= **%y%**, Z= **%z%**"
  Player-Registration: "**[%time%]** has joined on **%date%**"
  Primed-TNT-Staff: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** ** [%uuid%]** has primed a TNT at X= **%x%**, Y= **%y%**, Z= **%z%**"
  Primed-TNT: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** ** [%uuid%]** has primed a TNT at X= **%x%**, Y= **%y%**, Z= **%z%**"
  Chest-Interaction-Staff: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** **[%uuid%]** has opened **%chest%** at X= **%x%**, Y= **%y%**, Z= **%z%** that contained **%items%**"
  Chest-Interaction: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** **[%uuid%]** has opened **%chest%** at X= **%x%**, Y= **%y%**, Z= **%z%** that contained **%items%**"
  Entity-Death-Staff: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** **[%uuid%]** has slain **%mob%** at X= **%x%**, Y= **%y%**, Z= **%z%**"
  Entity-Death: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** **[%uuid%]** has slain **%mob%** at X= **%x%**, Y= **%y%**, Z= **%z%**"
    Start: "**%time%**"
    Stop: "**%time%**"
    Console-Commands: "**[%time%]** **%command%**"
    RAM: "**[%time%]** The Server has exceeded the set amount of percentage of RAM Usage! Total Memory: **%max%** `|` Used Memory: **%used%** `|` Free Memory: **%free%**"
    TPS-Medium: "**[%time%]** The TPS has dropped to **%TPS%**"
    TPS-Critical: "**[%time%]** WARNING! The TPS has dropped to **%TPS%**"
    Portal-Creation: "**[%time%]** A portal has been created in **[%time%]** **[%world%]** using **%material%**"
    RCON: "[%time%] RCON Command **%command%** has been sent via this IP ****%IP%****"
    Command-Block: "**[%time%]** **%command%**"
    AFK-Staff: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]*X= **%x%** `|` Y= **%y%** `|` Z= **%z%**"
    AFK: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** X= **%x%** `|` Y= **%y%** `|` Z= **%z%**"
    Wrong-Password-Staff: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** has entered a Wrong Password"
    Wrong-Password: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** has entered a Wrong Password"
    Vault-Staff: "**[%time%]** The balance has changed from **%oldbal%** to **%newbal%**"
    Vault: "**[%time%]** The balance has changed from **%oldbal%** to **%newbal%**"
    LiteBans: "**[%time%]** A **%type%** has been occurred on **%executed_on%** by **%executor%** reason of '**%reason%**' that will expire on **%expiration%**, **%silent%**"
    AdvancedBan: "**[%time%]** The Player **%executed_on%** has been punished by **%executor%** with a **%type%** with a reason of '**%reason%**' that will expire on **%expiration%**"
    Wood-Stripping-Staff: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** **[%uuid%]** has stripped **%logname%** at X= **%x%**, Y= **%y%**, Z= **%z%**"
    Wood-Stripping: "**[%time%]** **[%world%]** **[%uuid%]** has stripped **%logname%** at X= **%x%**, Y= **%y%**, Z= **%z%**"

Last updated

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