
Here you can find the default BungeeCord message for the latest plugin version.

messages - Bungee.yml
# Messages for Logger Plugin [ Proxy Version ]
# Need Support? Join the Discord Server: https://discord.gg/MfR5mcpVfX
# Config 1.8
# Plugin Messages
  No-Permission: "&cYou do not have permission to run this command."
  Reload: "&aConfigs Reloaded."
  Invalid-Syntax: "&cInvalid Syntax."
# Files Instance
  Player-Chat-Staff: "[%time%] [%server%] The Staff <%player%> has said => %msg%"
  Player-Chat: "[%time%] [%server%] The Player <%player%> has said => %msg%"
  Player-Commands-Staff: "[%time%] [%server%] The Staff <%player%> has executed => %command%"
  Player-Commands: "[%time%] [%server%] The Player <%player%> has executed => %command%"
  Player-Login-Staff: "[%time%] The Staff <%player%> has joined with the current IP -> %IP%"
  Player-Login: "[%time%] The Player <%player%> has joined with the current IP -> %IP%"
  Player-Leave-Staff: "[%time%] [%server%] The Staff <%player%> has left the server"
  Player-Leave: "[%time%] [%server%] The Player <%player%> has left the server"
  Server-Reload-Player-Staff: "[%time%] [%server%] The Staff <%player%> has reloaded the server"
  Server-Reload-Player: "[%time%] [%server%] The Player <%player%> has reloaded the server"
# Server Side Part
    Reload-Console: "[%time%] The server has been reloaded"
    Start: "[%time%] The server has started"
    Stop: "[%time%] The server has stopped"
    RAM: "[%time%] The Server has exceeded the set amount of percentage of RAM Usage! Total Memory: %max% | Used Memory: %used% | Free Memory: %free%"
# Extra Side Part
    LiteBans: "[%time%] The command '%command%' has been executed on %on% by %executor% for '%duration%' for the reason %reason% | %silent%"
# Discord Instance
# Emojis can be found here https://emojipedia.org/ or elsewhere. Emojis may not work on >1.12 Servers.
  Player-Chat-Staff: "**[%time%]** **[%server%]** **%msg%**"
  Player-Chat: "**[%time%]** **[%server%]** **%msg%**"
  Player-Commands-Staff: "**[%time%]** **[%server%]** **%command%**"
  Player-Commands: "**[%time%]** **[%server%]** **%command%**"
  Player-Login-Staff: "**[%time%]** ||**%IP%**||"
  Player-Login: "**[%time%]** ||**%IP%**||"
  Player-Leave-Staff: "**[%time%]** **[%server%]** Left the server"
  Player-Leave: "**[%time%]** **[%server%]** Left the server"
  Server-Reload-Player-Staff: "**[%time%]** **[%server%]** Has reloaded the server"
  Server-Reload-Player: "**[%time%]** **[%server%]** Has reloaded the server"
# Server Side Part
    Restart-Console: "**[%time%]** The server has been reloaded"
    Start: "**[%time%]**"
    Stop: "**[%time%]**"
    RAM: "**[%time%]** The Server has exceeded the set amount of percentage of RAM Usage! Total Memory: **%max%** `|` Used Memory: **%used%** `|` Free Memory: **%free%**"
# Extra Side Part
    LiteBans: "**[%time%]** The command **%command%** has been executed on **%on%** by **%executor%** for **%duration%** for the reason **%reason%** | **%silent%**"

Last updated

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